January 24, 2020
Electrified artificial skin can feel exactly where it is touched

Last updated on : January 28th, 2020 by TechferalScientists have developed an artificial skin that can feel the touch, allowing the user to `` hold hands '' with a loved one on the other side of the world or feel a slap on the back of a teammate in the game Fortnite online. a system […]

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January 24, 2020
Meet Vyommitra: ISRO’s half-humanoid will go to space before astronauts

Last updated on : April 15th, 2020 by TechferalAt an international conference on 'Human Spaceflight and Exploration' here on Wednesday, 'Vyommitra', a "humanoid medium" made by ISRO, was presented to the audience, Vyommitra (vyoma-space, mitra-friend) said: "Hello everyone I am Vyommitra, the prototype of the humanoid environment, made for the first unmanned Gaganyaan mission.   […]

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January 24, 2020
Fingerprints dating technology helps in catching lying criminals

Last updated on : January 28th, 2020 by TechferalFrom the dawn of fingerprint detection technology, the world had rapidly evolved into a new era for law enforcement. Now, new technology can easily determine the solid evidence of one's presence in one place. However, it also raised a certain flaw, since a simple fingerprint could have […]

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January 23, 2020
US Officials ground Drones fearing Chinese Espionage

Last updated on : April 15th, 2020 by TechferalAfter Huawei was caught in the crossfire of trade disputes between the United States and China, drones have become another area that faces scrutiny by the United States Government. Supposedly, drones that are manufactured or belong to Chinese brands could be used to spy in the US. […]

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